Best Practice #2: First Impressions and Command Presence

Best Practice #2: First Impressions and Command
First impressions and command presence

Best Practice #2: First Impressions and Command Presence

As a leader you have one opportunity to give a first impression to the learner. This can be completed by being early, organized, prepared, focused, presentable, and engaging to the learners as they arrive. The leader’s command presence sets the tone for the class environment and demonstrates leading from the front. As a leader, it is okay to not know an answer to a learner’s question. Such questions need to be properly addressed and followed up on. For example: “That is a great question. I don’t know the answer. I will find out and get back to you.” It is imperative that this is followed up on. Demonstrate confidence without arrogance. And remember, when in charge, be in charge.

[Click here to download Learning in the Wildland Fire Service.]

* This article was originally published here


