How Connected Сars and IoT Affect the Auto Industry

IoT-enabled automobiles

Without a doubt, fully autonomous vehicles will not be available anytime soon. Nonetheless, you may expect to see a proliferation of 5G-connected electric vehicles. Smart cars that can gather data from their surroundings and share it with the cloud are becoming increasingly common.
This opens the door to novel commercial strategies in the auto sector. Companies that keep drivers abreast of traffic and road conditions, give top-notch infotainment and safety features, and generally improve the driving experience have been shown to significantly cut down on collisions and slow down commute times.
Perhaps you’re already motivated to hire a custom connected vehicles services firm and create the next great thing with in automotive industry. Perhaps you’re simply curious about the possibilities of modern connected technologies.
If one of these descriptions fits you, this article will offer you a good sense of the current state of affairs.

So, what exactly are “linked vehicles”?

Through wireless networks, “connected” automobiles can share information with other devices, such as other automobiles, smartphones, infrastructure needs, and so on. WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) or Wi-Fi allows them to connect to the web as well.

Because of this, IoT-enabled automobiles are an integral element of the industry’s rapid development. However, what advantages do these components bring to the Automotive industry? What, if anything, are the obstacles preventing the technology from realizing its full potential?

What is it?

What are the advantages of having a connected car? Administration of Traffic Flow

Connected vehicles may analyze and forecast traffic patterns using data on signal phase and timing. Drivers can use this information to better plan their travels, resulting in reduced fuel use and improved safety.

Technology is implemented on a national scale. On highways and in surveillance cameras, the quantity of IoT sensors is growing rapidly. They assist identify dangerously congested stretches of road and direct drivers around them.

Machine learning for predictive upkeep

The state of a connected vehicle may be monitored in real time thanks to the dozens of sensors installed throughout the vehicle. They instantly notify drivers of any problems and, depending on the nature of the problem, suggest preventative measures or checks.

Both customers and cat dealerships and mechanics can benefit from this, as it can help them save money on costly repairs. Smart cars’ capacity to connect with auto body shops in the event of a breakdown makes the second possibility feasible.

For instance, a service tech can get a message that a customer is due to arrive in 10 min with a defective engine. That way, they can anticipate what parts and equipment they’ll need to fix the car and begin to work right immediately.

Advanced infotainment

Many modern cars come equipped with infotainment systems that allow users to make phone calls, send texts, and access maps all with voice commands. The integration of such technologies allows for the following receptions:

Numerous online video and audio streaming services exist, including but not limited to Spotify, Audible, Pandora, Netflix, Amazon, and others.

Android Auto, Samsung’s Exynos Auto, and Apple CarPlay also allow for a direct connection to the driver’s smartphone or tablet. The potential for media dissemination via in-car technology is practically limitless.

OTA, or over-the-air updates

Only a few short years ago, auto upgrades required a trip to the technician or the assembly line. That was inconvenient for the buyer and expensive for the producer. Due to advancements in IoT, however, it is now possible to remotely update all of the car’s software components.

Deep changes are possible with these updates. The battery life and ride height of Tesla vehicles have both been enhanced by over-the-air updates. The ability to install new software in a car paves the way for a variety of premium services, such as short-term Audible memberships or access to other, more advanced functions that may not be necessary for every driver.

Simple parking

Nobody likes parking, but let’s face it, it’s inevitable. IoT makes this process significantly less tedious. By 2028, the smart parking market is expected to be worth more than $16 million, having become an expected feature of connected automobiles.

The system takes in environmental data, processes it, and then either entirely automates parking or provides warnings to the driver if they are approaching too close to an obstacle. Finding a parking spot doesn’t have to be an environmental or time-consuming nightmare anymore with the use of GPS and cloud computing technology.

What are the obstacles that autonomous vehicles will have to pass through? Problems with the link

What makes connected services so powerful is also their greatest weakness. Some of the features, such as those that detect blind spots and apply the brakes in an emergency, are totally automated. However, there are still significant gaps in the reliability of data obtained from other vehicles due to the lack of widespread standardization of either 5G or WiFi connectivity.
Driving in areas with poor or no signal is another clear issue. The vehicle will operate normally, just like any other vehicle that lacks internet connectivity, however some features may be lost. This includes tools that locate nearby services, such as garages and gas stations.

Information safety

There are a lot of privacy issues in the car industry. In some circumstances, such as with driver monitoring cameras, consumers who purchase “smart” vehicles are giving the manufacturer access to gigabytes of sensitive information. Of course, it’s terrible to think that hackers or spies might get their hands on it.

However, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are always improving their data security measures. Modern systems are set up to offer customers as much say as possible over their data and to punish businesses that fail to comply with privacy laws with hefty fines.

Distinct computer programs

Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) still aren’t open to giving out their proprietary software. Automobile manufacturers including Volkswagen, Toyota, and Mercedes-Benz have all been working hard to develop their own superior operating system for connected vehicles.

If there wasn’t a chance of connectivity problems, it wouldn’t be a significant matter. There may be inconsistencies in how well cloud-based infotainment services work with various makes and models of automobiles, and there may also be limitations in the vehicles’ ability to share data with one another.

Sooner or later, it will be essential to standardize the protocols used by these many operating systems.


The benefits of Internet of Things connectivity in cars are substantial, even if some issues remain. A new era of automobile connectivity will be possible with the development of superior network technology, optimized systems, and improved data safety procedures.

The post How Connected Сars and IoT Affect the Auto Industry appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

* This article was originally published here


