The Brand Breakdown: A Guide to Creating Usable Business Branding

The Brand Breakdown: A Guide to Creating Usable Business
What is Business Branding?

Business branding is perhaps the most crucial element to identifying, shaping, and defining your business, as well as setting it apart from your competition. Elements of business branding include creating a business logo, as well as brand colours and fonts, and of course, establishing your brand tone and voice.

It is very important to clearly identify these, especially when first setting up your business, in order to successfully clarify and cement your brand identity within your market, and also to make your brand easily recognizable to customers. It is just as important to remain consistent with your brand identity at every touch point of your business – be it on your website, or via other channels such as the social media platforms you use to communicate your brand to your customers.

A Guide to Creating Usable Best Business Branding : The Brand Breakdown : 2022 | The Enterprise World

When it comes to business branding, there are several steps to building a successful brand. The first step involves deciding how you want your brand to appear, and also, how you want it to be perceived in the market. This aspect of business branding involves solidifying your brand mission or brand promise – essentially, what your business stands for, and what it has to offer to your customers. Next, you need to build a brand image that communicates your brand promise to your customers.

This can be done by ensuring that all elements of your brand remain consistent with your mission, message, and product or service offering. Of course, maintaining a consistent tone of voice and branding style is essential here. Creating a brand style guide can help with this, as can employing the services of a professional branding agency – especially when initially establishing your brand in the early stages of your business setup.

How to Create Branding for your Business

When it comes to brand logos, is it important to display these as prominently as possible to maximise the visibility of your business brand, and thereby increase your brand awareness in the market.

Brand logos can be displayed in several ways. Outdoor media such as billboards and signposts are certainly a very prominent method of brand communication and advertisement, however, this method can be expensive. There is also the option of branded merchandise, such as branded clothing (tee shirts, hats, or jumpers displaying your brand logo, for example). Brand flyers are another option, and also offer the benefit of being able to include text relevant to your business brand.

A Guide to Creating Usable Best Business Branding : The Brand Breakdown : 2022 | The Enterprise World

However, one of the most cost-effective, convenient, and easiest ways to display your business brand is by using printed lanyards from Australia. Custom lanyards printed with your brand logo are as eye-catching as they are unintrusive, and they can be easily customised in almost any brand colour. Printed lanyards are an extremely popular method of disseminating brand merchandise, and are often given out by companies at trade events or functions as an easy way to increase brand visibility and awareness. Your business brand logo can be easily and prominently displayed on lanyards, making them a simple and economical method of brand advertisement.

Why Business Branding is Important

Business Branding not only makes your brand stand out from your competition by making it instantly recognisable, but it also makes your brand memorable. Creating a brand experience for your customers will keep your business at the forefront of your customers whenever they are searching for the product or service your business offers.

A Guide to Creating Usable Best Business Branding : The Brand Breakdown : 2022 | The Enterprise World

Not only that, a great brand can help drive new traffic to your business, help generate new leads, and grow your client base. Most importantly, fostering a positive relationship between your brand and your customers will ensure that your customers keep coming back. By creating what is referred to by branding experts as patterns of familiarity, your brand can become a household name and product of choice in the eyes of your customers.

Essentially, successful business branding creates a personality for your business that your customers can interact with, and a good business brand is one that your customers can relate to, and enjoy engaging with. Indeed, brand engagement is an important element of successful branding, and can only be achieved by remaining consistent with your brand promise and mission.

* This article was originally published here


