111: Andrew Liew on HR Data Science

111: Andrew Liew on HR Data Science

Andrew Liew has regional work experience providing analytical and data science work for Fortune 500 companies and government agencies for the last 14 years. Andrew has done over 20 analytics-related projects by working and living in 10 international cities: Singapore, Bangkok, Seoul, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Canberra, San Francisco, Portland, Hamburg, and Shanghai.

In addition to being a Master storyteller of data, Andrew is a leader in driving end-to-end Data Science and Analytics implementation. He is also a C-suite stakeholder-centric duo-directional translator of AI & Analytics capabilities to business competitive advantages.

Andrew obtained his Master of Financial Engineering and Master of Econometrics in the course of doing his analytical gigs.

He has expert-level advisory experience in human behaviour analytics in embedded analytical operation systems, specifically in panel data and supervised machine learning. He’s a believer in continuous learning and sharing.

He’s also an author of HR Data Science Metric Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Visit his website at https://www.andrewliewweida.com/

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* This article was originally published here


