Tesla recalls more than 3,62,000 Cars due to Self-driving Crash Risks

Tesla recalls more than 3,62,000 Cars due to Self-driving
Crash Risks

Tesla, the American electric car manufacturer, has recently announced a recall of more than 362,000 cars due to the potential risk of a self-driving crash. The recall, which includes both Model S and Model X vehicles manufactured between 2013 and 2018, was issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) after an investigation into several incidents involving the cars’ autopilot systems.

Response to a Series of Accidents

The recall comes after a series of accidents in which Tesla vehicles crashed into stationary objects or other vehicles while in self-driving mode. In one incident in 2018, a Tesla Model S crashed into a stationary fire truck at high speed while the autopilot system was engaged. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident, but it highlighted the potential risks of relying too heavily on autonomous driving technology.

In response to the incidents, Tesla has agreed to install an over-the-air update to limit the car’s speed when the autopilot is engaged. The update will also include new warnings and visual cues to remind drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and stay alert while driving. The company has also agreed to provide free repairs and replacements to any affected vehicles. According to the NHTSA, the recall affects approximately 134,951 Model S vehicles and 227,485 Model X vehicles worldwide. The agency has urged owners of the affected vehicles to contact their local Tesla service center to schedule the necessary repairs.

Tesla recalls more than 3,62,000 Cars……Stay Updated

Efforts for an Autonomous Future

Tesla has been a pioneer in the development of autonomous driving technology, but the company has faced criticism for the way it has marketed its autopilot system. The company has been accused of promoting the system as a fully autonomous driving solution, even though it still requires human intervention in certain situations.

The recall is a significant setback for Tesla, which has been working to establish itself as a leader in the electric vehicle market. The company has faced a number of challenges in recent years, including production delays and quality control issues, but it remains one of the most valuable car companies in the world.

Despite the setback, Tesla remains committed to the development of autonomous driving technology. The company is currently working on a fully autonomous driving system that it plans to release in the near future. However, the company has acknowledged that there are still significant challenges to overcome before fully autonomous driving becomes a reality.

* This article was originally published here


